September 23, 2019
September 23rd is the 266th day of the year. There are 99 days remaining until the end of the year.
It is officially Autumn.
Fall began at 3:50am.
The Autumnal Equinox is one of two days when the sun is located just above the Earth’s equator and day and night are roughly equal.
The Autumnal Equinox is different than the solstice, one of two days each year when the sun’s path is farthest from the equator. On the fall equinox, the sun will rise due east and set due west, a pattern that will repeat during the spring equinox.
Fall ends on Saturday, December 21st at 11:19am.
Daylight Saving Time will end November 3rd and most people will move their clocks back one hour before going to bed on November 2nd.
It’s Day 1 of the 12 Days of Positivity, leading up to Positivity Day on October 4th.
Today is Neighbour Day. Check out the list of activities happening today (and for the next 12 days) here.
Chatham-Kent is invited out to the Chatham Capitol Theatre on October 4th for the wrap up party. There will be 455 seats in the balcony, allocated to the qualifiers. One of these 455 seats will win the $10,000 in give aways.
Go to 943CKSY.com to have a chance at a golden ticket, and keep listening to win your way in.
The big ‘Storm Area 51’ event was supposed to happen on Friday. But after two million people RSVP’d on Facebook, only a handful showed up. One estimate put it at around 100 people.
Then on Saturday, some YouTuber wielding a plunger like a sword pretended to charge the gates with his friends. But it was just for a video, and they didn’t actually break in.
Facebook and Ray-Ban are teaming to create a line of smart glasses that will eventually replace smartphones.
The glasses will feature a display that wearers can see out of the corner of their eyes. Wearers will be able to make calls, livestream and take pictures with their glasses. The glasses are expected to be released sometime after 2023.
Facebook partners with Ray-Ban in a push to make smart glasses a thing #Facebook #rayban https://t.co/pUA5BZUO47 pic.twitter.com/i22hRD85CU
— Gizmodo UK (@GizmodoUK) September 19, 2019
Tinder has a new way to match people up.
Tinder has just wrapped up production on its first scripted television series. They’ve developed a “choose-your-own-adventure” style original series. The show will follow a group of characters at the end of the world with the question “Who would you spend your last night alive with?” as its theme.
The show will be uploaded directly to the app while users will have the choice to either swipe right or left on plot arcs to advance the story. The show is reported to be due out this October.
Users will then be able to match up with people who made similar decisions.