June 30, 2021
June 30th is the 181st day of 2021. There are 184 days remaining until the end of the year.
One new positive COVID-19 case reported over the Tuesday by Chatham-Kent Public Health.
Total active case count locally is at 4.
There were 299 positive cases reported across Ontario Tuesday; officials say a data clean-up has inflated today’s total. The provincewide test positivity rate is 1.6%.
Ontario is set to move into the next stage of its reopening plan today, allowing small indoor gatherings to occur and personal care services to resume for the first time in months but indoor dining, gyms and other fitness facilities will remain closed.
Here’s a short list of what will be allowed as of June 30:
- Outdoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 25 people.
- Indoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to five people.
- Essential and other select retail permitted at 50 per cent capacity.
- Non-essential retail permitted at 25 per cent capacity.
- Personal care services where face coverings can be worn at all times can resume at 25 per cent capacity.
- Outdoor dining with up to six people per table, with exceptions for larger households.
The province has said it will wait a minimum of 21 days before moving on to Stage 3 of its reopening plan.
The Chatham-Kent Health Alliance’s COVID-19 Assessment Centre is moving from the St. Clair College Healthplex to Grand Ave this week.
As of July 1st, residents who want to get tested for the virus will have to go to 10 Grand Avenue West in Chatham (the 7-Eleven plaza)
For anyone with appointments booked on June 30, testing will continue to take place at the St. Clair College HealthPlex with no disruption to service.
The assessment centre will continue to operate from 9-5, seven days a week.
If you require a COVID-19 test are asked to book online or call 519-436-2556.
The Foundation Chatham-Kent Health Alliance‘s Healthcare 50/50 tickets has now raised over $100,000 in total – with half going to one lucky winner on August 5th.
Proceeds from this year’s 50/50 will support the purchase of six new Electrocardiograph (ECG) machines.
You can purchase your tickets at locations across C-K or online at ignite5050.ca.
10 tickets for $10, 60 for $20 or 200 for $50.
Today you can buy tickets in person at Home Hardware in Thamesville from 2-4pm.
162 years ago – In 1859, five thousand people gathered to watch Charles Blondin of France walk across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. It took him only five minutes. Later, he crossed blindfolded on stilts, pushing a wheelbarrow, and while carrying a man on his back!