July 2, 2021
July 2nd is the 183rd day of 2021. There are 182 days remaining until the end of the year.
2 new positive COVID-19 case reported as of Wednesday by Chatham-Kent Public Health. There was no update yesterday because of the holiday but there will be an update today between 10am-11am.
Total active case count locally is at 2.
There were 184 positive cases reported across Ontario on Wednesday. Across the province the seven-day average has now reached 268, a month ago, the seven-day average was around 1,100.
CKTransit is rebranding and residents can expect some improvements to local bus services as a result. As of Friday, Chatham-Kent’s public transit services will officially now be known as Ride CK.
The switch to Ride CK requires no action from passengers and fare payment smart cards will continue to work as usual.
The Foundation Chatham-Kent Health Alliance‘s Healthcare 50/50 tickets has now raised over _____ in total – with half going to one lucky winner on August 5th.
Proceeds from this year’s 50/50 will support the purchase of six new Electrocardiograph (ECG) machines.
You can purchase your tickets at locations across C-K or online at ignite5050.ca.
10 tickets for $10, 60 for $20 or 200 for $50.
Today you can buy tickets in person at Bayside Brewing Co. in Erieau from 1pm-4pm.
Starbucks is testing a new way to let fans order “secret menu” drinks by creating QR codes that baristas can scan to see the recipe. They’re running a pilot program to see how it would work but you have to be invited to be a part of the program’s testing phase.
People who ARE invited will get to connect to the Starbucks mobile ordering system through Instagram and Facebook, where they can access two “secret menu” items.
One is called the “Venti Pink Drink Remixed,” and the other is a “Grande Iced Matcha Tea Latte with Chai.”
World UFO Day is an awareness day for people to gather together and watch the skies for unidentified flying objects.
Just a few days before World UFO Day, the office of the US Director of National Intelligence on June 25 made public the highly anticipated report examining UFOs sightings in American skies. The report made clear that the truth is still out there as the American intelligence officials could not draw “firm conclusions” on more than 140 instances.