April 20, 2022

By: Chris McLeod


5 Things You Need To Know

April 20th is the 110th day of the year. There are 255 days remaining until the end of the year.

The Chatham-Kent Public Health Vaccination Clinic is open 4 days per week to offer fourth doses.

The C-K Vaccination Clinic (730 Richmond Street – the former YA building) is open today 1:30-7:30.

The clinic is open weekly:

  • Mondays: 9am-4pm
  • Wednesdays: 1:30pm-7:30pm
  • Fridays: 9am-4pm
  • Saturdays: 9am-Noon

The clinic still offers first, second and booster doses. These are available to walk in or by appointment.

Fourth doses require appointments. To book an appointment go to GetYourShotCK.ca or by phone at 519-351-1010.

It’s Movie Night at the Capitol Theatre.

Tonight at 7pm stop by to see The Eyes of Tammy Faye on the big screen.

Seats must be reserved. To reserve your seats click here.
Admission is $5 or flash your movie pass for entry.

Gas prices in the province are jumping an average of 7 cents per litre today.

The average in Ontario will be about 184.9 cents per litre.

Thunder Bay remains the highest price in the province at 186.9 cents per litre. The cheapest area to get gas will be in Kingston, with prices at 177.9 cents per litre.

The eastern part of the country will see a shift from winter to summer gasoline, which costs more to produce. That’s the reason for the increase. The summer blend is designed to operate under high temperatures.

If you are unable to get to the pumps, wait until tomorrow when gas prices are expected to fall four cents per litre.

The Windsor Spitfires will take on the Sarnia Sting in the opening round of the Ontario Hockey League playoffs.

The series starts Thursday at 7pm at the WFCU Centre. Game 2 is scheduled for Saturday night in Windsor.

Windsor is the top team in the Western Conference. The Spits have won 14 straight at home.

Game 1: Thursday, April 21 at Windsor 7:05
Game 2: Saturday, April 23 at Windsor 7:05
Game 3: Tuesday, April 26 at Sarnia 7:05
Game 4: Thursday, April 28 at Sarnia 7:05
Game 5*: Saturday, April 30 at Windsor 7:05
Game 6*: Sunday, May 1 at Sarnia 7:05
Game 7*: Tuesday, May 3 at Windsor 7:05
*if necessary

CKMORNINGS will have tickets to giveaway to ALL Spitfire home games.

Happy 420!

It is an international celebration on the 20th day of the fourth month, during which people come together to consume cannabis and advocate for its legalization.

Why 420? One popular rumour is that “420” is the code police officers use to signal to each other that marijuana smoking is taking place. Another theory tries to attribute the date to a Bob Dylan song.

Another explanation comes from the Cannabis Museum in Oakland, California: 420 started as a secret code among high schoolers in the early 1970s who would often meet at 4:20pm. to get high. For them, it was an ideal time: They were out of school but their parents still weren’t home, giving them a window of unsupervised freedom. The code gradually spread across California and beyond — and now it’s celebrated every year.

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