November 10, 2022
November 10th is the 314th day of the year. There are 51 days remaining until the end of the year.
Enjoy the sunshine and warmth today, because the forecast starts to sway beginning tomorrow.
According to Environment Canada today’s high will be 19 with sunshine.
Tomorrow is still in the double digits, but cloudy with temperatures dropping down to single digits for the weekend. A weekend high of just 8 with rain and possible flurries is expected.
Together CK (originally called the Community Partnership Fund) is a grant program that promotes community events within Chatham-Kent.
Applicants can request 50% of a community project up to a maximum of $10,000.
If you’re a local group with an idea for a community project, applications are being accepted now. The deadline to apply is December 1st.
If you have any questions, reach out to the Grant Administrator at 519-360-1998. For more info check out the link.
Tomorrow is Remembrance Day.
The Royal Canadian Legion has expanded its Ceremony Locator online.
Check it out at Legion.ca.
Branches are populating this page to allow Canadians to find a Legion-supported Remembrance ceremony closest to them.
Gas prices in Ontario are expected to fall another four cents a litre today.
Prices dropped Wednesday to 172.9 cents a litre and another four-cent drop could see prices dip to 168.9 litre for regular gas on Thursday.
Locally, as of 5:30am: Chatham 175.9, Wallaceburg at 160, Blenheim at 175.9 and Tilbury at 165.8.
Changes are coming to Wordle.
The wildly popular online puzzle game will still give players six chances to guess a five-letter word daily.
There’s a new Wordle editor in place, that will allow the game to shift away from the preselected words of Josh Wardle, the puzzle’s creator. It will, instead, include words that the New York Times has chosen.
Also changing: The answer will never be a plural that ends in “s” or “es.” However, you can guess plural words to help you eliminate possible words.