July 13, 2021
July 13th is the 194th day of 2021. There are 171 days remaining until the end of the year.
There’s a pop up vaccination clinic in Blenheim today.
The clinic is being held at the Blenheim Memorial Arena 2-6:30 by appointment only. There are Moderna vaccination times available now.
There are also new appointment times that have been made available at the main clinic at the Bradley Centre. Book now at GetYourShotCK.ca or call 519-351-1010.
Four new positive COVID-19 cases reported over the weekend Monday by Chatham-Kent Public Health.
There were 4 recoveries, total active case count stays at 9.
There were 111 positive cases across Ontario Monday and zero deaths; the smallest daily increase of new infections the province has seen since September 1st.
There’s a blood donor clinic this afternoon at the Chatham-Kent YMCA from 1-7.
Donations are by appointment only, no walk-in appointments are available. Book yours now at Blood.ca, use the Give Blood app or call 1-888-2-DONATE.
With the loosening of restrictions and hospitals reopening surgical procedures Canadian Blood Services needs more donors, this has led to an increased in demand for blood products.
A sealed copy of Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64 just set the record for the most expensive video game ever sold.
It went for $1.56 million at an auction.
This record broke one that was just set last Friday from the same auction house. It was another Nintendo game, an unopened 1986 Legend of Zelda for the NES, sold for $870,000.
The Zelda game was a very rare, original version and only a handful were made. So yours most likely isn’t one of them.
In the case of Mario, less than five copies are known to exist that are still sealed and in such excellent condition.
The Tampa Bay Lighting celebrated their Stanley Cup victory over the Montreal Canadiens on Monday.
In what is now becoming a Tampa tradition, the team celebrated with a boat parade throughout the city.
The cherished Stanley Cup did receive some damage during the party, it is being sent to Montreal for repairs.
The @StanleyCup did sustain some damage during today’s festivities. It’ll be sent to Montreal for repairs and be back to resume Cup celebration with @TBLightning next weekend pic.twitter.com/MEbZGZFxSD
— Joe Smith (@JoeSmithTB) July 12, 2021
Coors Light has made a limited batch of beer infused with ice from Tampa Bay’s Amalie Arena. Basically they melted the ice down, filtered it, re-filtered it, and filtered it again before mixing it into the special Champions Ice Beer. The beer will be available in Tampa area bars for a limited time.