September 17, 2020
September 17th is the 261st day of the year. There are 105 days remaining until the end of the year.
No new COVID19 cases were reported Wednesday by the Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit. There remains three active cases. No one is hospitalized.
Ontario reported 315 cases across the province. 251 of those cases are from the Toronto, Ottawa, Peel, York and Durham regions.
The Terry Fox Run will take place virtually this weekend around the world.
Terry’s Marathon of Hope celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, raising over $800 million for cancer research.
18,542 runs are being held across Canada alone. Over 2.8 million has already been raised.
Runs locally will be held in Chatham, Tilbury, Wallaceburg, Dresden, Blenheim and Ridgetown. Register or donate now at TerryFox.org.
Terry’s older brother Fred, will chat with CKMORNINGS at 7:40 this morning.
Smile Cookies are still available at Tim Hortons!
Smile Cookie week supports charities in communities across Canada.
All the proceeds from every $1 Smile Cookie purchased locally will be donated to the Children’s Treatment Centre Foundation of Chatham-Kent and the Chatham-Kent Student Nutrition Program.
Amazon has launched a new, invitation-only section of its website for buying luxury products. It’s called Luxury Stores.
You and I won’t be getting the invite; The ‘luxury’ experience is currently only avaliable for select Prime members in the U.S.
These are customers who spend a lot of money on Amazon and have a taste for designer goods. You can also request to receive an invitation and be put on a waiting list.
Amazon is planning to extend invitations to more customers, in more countries in the upcoming months.
Lamborghini is releasing a bike. A bicycle.
There is a bicycle shortage across North America because of the coronavirus.
They are teaming with a bike company to create an $18,000 limited edition street bike. The bike costs $3,000 more than a new Mitsubishi Mirage. It has skinny tires, a small, plastic seat and handlebars that resemble those found on 10-speed bikes in the 1980s.
Cervélo has teamed up with Automobili Lamborghini on an ultra-limited edition R5, the high-performance road bike featuring the paint scheme from the Aventador SVJ’s famed Nürburgring lap record.
Check it: https://t.co/wU54Z0waek #Lamborghini #CervéloforAutomobiliLamborghini pic.twitter.com/4QMS1WktGQ
— Cervélo (@cervelo) September 8, 2020